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50 years of the distillery history
Video film

In 2020 our company celebrates
a round anniversary.

Exactly 50 years ago the first bottle of the dessert
wine «Southern Night» rolled off the new production line of
the distillery. It was the beginning of a long history.


In 1968 the Council of Ministers
of the USSR adopted resolution to build
an experimental winery in Gorky city.
The state-of-the-art equipment was delivered,
and advanced technologies were mastered.
Best professional wine-makers from
the Krasnodar and Stavropol
territories were invited.
Two years later, in 1970, the first bottle of the dessert
wine «Southern Night» rolled off the new production line of the large
vine producer. A systematic hard work began. Initially, the winery performed
bottling of wines of Caucasus, Kuban, Ukraine and Moldavia.
30-40 wine and brandy names were monthly bottled on 6 lines,
and they were delivered throughout the Soviet Union.


In the late eighties and the early nineties changes took place in the country. The enterprise operation did not discontinued, although at the time of the «Dry
law» the plant was constrained to switch over to bottling of mineral water and lemonades. The USSR began to be called Russia, Gorky city was renamed into
Nizhny Novgorod, and our experimental winery was named SORDIS. It was necessary to learn to live independently,
with no state support. The factory promptly mastered the production of alcoholic distilled beverages; the first new product was vodka
The production output increased,
the range of products expanded.
The company produced sweet liqueurs
and bitters, vodka and brandy.
Only one thing remained unchanged:
people's attitude to their work, their
professional competence and dedication.


In 2004, after a new team has come,
new modern production technologies
and IT-infrastructure began to be implemented,
and the sales market began to expand.
The enterprise came to the federal and
international levels.
The rich history of the plant with high quality standards and
operational excellence has been a good ground for the appearance
of whole dynasties of alcohol industry masters.
Present-day production

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